getting started
Come and learn to play bridge - the world's most popular indoor game - at the world-famous Acol Bridge Club! You will be made to feel very welcome and will thoroughly enjoy the start of your journey learning this exciting game.
Beginners Weekend
Saturday/Sunday 14th/15thSeptember
11am - 4.30pm
Teacher: Andi
Member Price: £150
Non-Member Price: £150
Beginners Course
Mondays 3pm - 5pm
Seven weeks
23rd September - 4th November
Teacher: Sean
Member Price: £150
Non-Member Price: £150
Beginners Weekend
Saturday/Sunday 16th/17th November
11am - 4.30pm
Teacher: Ollie
Member Price: £150
Non-Member Price: £150
Beginners Refresher Seminar
Saturday 21st September
11am - 4.30pm
Teacher: Ingar
Member Price: £75 (includes lunch)
Non-Member Price: £90 (includes lunch)
This seminar will revise and consolidate all the topics covered in our beginners’ course and prepare you for our Next Step Course. Perfect for those of you who are feeling a little rusty!
getting better
Next Step Course
Tuesdays 7 - 9pm
Six weeks
24th September - 29th October
Teacher: Sean
Member Price: £150
Non-Member Price: £180
Next Step Weekend
Saturday/Sunday 5th/6th October
11am - 4.30pm
Teacher: Ingar
Member Price: £150
Non-Member Price: £180
The Improvers Course aims to consolidate what you have learned on our Beginners and Next Step courses and to prepare you for Gentle Duplicate by introducing more advanced bidding topics such as Stayman, Transfers, Opening 2♣ and 2NT, Weak Twos and 3-level pre-emptive openings.
Improvers Course
Tuesdays 2 - 4pm
Six weeks
24th September - 29th October
Teacher: Ingar
Member Price: £150
Non-Member Price: £180
Improvers Weekend
Saturday/Sunday 2nd/3rd November
11am - 4.30pm
Teacher: Sean
Member Price: £150
Non-Member Price: £180
getting clever
Intermediate Course
Thursdays 3rd - 24th October
Four weeks
6.30 - 8.30pm
Teacher: Ingar
Member Price: £100 for whole course, £30 per individual lesson
Non-Member Price: £120 for whole course, £40 per individual lesson
The Intermediate Course is aimed at those of you who are already playing Duplicate regularly and want to take your game up a level further. Topics include protective bidding and "balancing", developing constructive auctions and duplicate tactics. Register for the whole course or for specific lessons.
Lesson 2: Duplicate Tactics Part II - protecting partner and balancing the auction, "last chance saloon", double to "protect your score"
Lesson 3: Constructive Bidding Part I - forcing or non-forcing? Reverse bids and continuations
Lesson 4: Constructive Bidding Part II - finding the best contract, false preference, jump-shifts from Responder
Defence Course
Thursdays 26thSeptember - 31st October
Six weeks
2.30 - 4.30pm
Teacher: Ingar
Member Price: £150 for whole course, £30 per individual lesson
Non-Member Price: £180 for whole course, £35 per individual lesson
Most players find defence the most challenging aspect of bridge, but because you’ll end up defending about half the time, honing your defensive skills is essential to becoming a better player. This course should help demystify the subject and improve your results! Register for the whole course or for specific lessons.
Lesson 2: Opening leads vs suit contracts
Lesson3: The other half of trick one – partner has got off to a great start, don’t mess it up!
Lesson 4: Your first discard – a key moment for the defence
Lesson 5: Thinking shape – listening to the bidding and making relevant deductions
Lesson 6: Thinking strength – work out what partner holds (without peeking!) and making inferences from declarer’s play
Advanced Conventions Seminar 1
Saturday 19th October
11am - 4.30pm
Teacher: Sean
Member Price: £75 (includes lunch)
Non-Member Price: £90 (includes lunch)
This one-day seminar explores some advanced conventions useful for players who want to move out of Gentle Duplicate and into serious competition. It is also suitable for people who are already playing in our stronger sessions. You will be expected to be familiar with the conventions in our Six of the Best course. Topics covered:
- Extended Stayman
- 4-level transfers
- Options over 2NT openings
Look out for Advanced Conventions Seminar 2 in the New Year!
Doubles Seminar
Saturday 9th November
11am - 4.30pm
Teacher: Sean
Member Price: £75 (includes lunch)
Non-Member Price: £90 (includes lunch)
This seminar will cover the most important uses of the double card:
- Takeout doubles with an emphasis on how to respond to them
- Negative doubles
- Reopening doubles
- Penalty doubles