getting started
Come and learn to play bridge - the world's most popular indoor game - at the world-famous Acol Bridge Club! You will be made to feel very welcome and will thoroughly enjoy the start of your journey learning this exciting game.
Beginners Weekend
Saturday/Sunday 8th/9th February
11am - 4.30pm
Teacher: Ingar
Member Price: £150
Non-Member Price: £150
Beginners Weekend
Saturday/Sunday 22nd/23rdMarch
11am - 4.30pm
Teacher: Ollie
Member Price: £150
Non-Member Price: £150
Beginners Course
Mondays 3pm - 5pm
Seven weeks
3rd February - 17th March
Teacher: Sean
Member Price: £150
Non-Member Price: £150
getting better
Next Step Course
Tuesdays 2 - 4pm
Six weeks
4th February - 11th March
Teacher: Ingar
Member Price: £150
Non-Member Price: £180
Next Step Weekend
Saturday/Sunday 15th/16th March
11am - 4.30pm
Teacher: Ingar
Member Price: £150
Non-Member Price: £180
The Improvers Course aims to consolidate what you have learned on our Beginners and Next Step courses and to prepare you for Gentle Duplicate by introducing more advanced bidding topics such as Stayman, Transfers, Opening 2♣ and 2NT, Weak Twos and 3-level pre-emptive openings.
Improvers Course
Tuesdays 7 - 9pm
Six weeks
4th February - 11th March
Teacher: Sean
Member Price: £150
Non-Member Price: £180
Improvers Weekend
Saturday/Sunday 8th/9th March
11am - 4.30pm
Teacher: Sean
Member Price: £150
Non-Member Price: £180
getting clever
Declarer Play Course
Thursdays 6.30-8.30 pm
Six weeks
6th February-13th March
Teacher: Ingar
Member Price: £150.00 for whole course; £30 per individual lesson
Non-Member Price: £180.00 for whole course; £35 per individual lesson
Improve your declarer play with this exciting course, suitable for all, that concentrates solely on this most challenging aspect of the game.
Lesson 2: Counting losers (suit)
Lesson 3: Playing with trumps (more on how to use your trumps to your advantage)
Lesson 4: Finessing
Lesson 5: Finesse or Drop? Guideline on when to reject the finesse
Lesson 6: Putting it all together. Playing a lot of boards where you must use the knowledge from previous lessons. Retaining the Finesse Position.
Six of the Best
Thursdays 2.30 - 4.30pm
Six weeks
6th February - 13th March
Teacher: Ingar
Member Price: £150 for whole course; £30 per individual lesson
Non-Member Price: £180 for whole course; £35 per individual lesson
An ideal course for duplicate players of all levels, exploring six of the most useful conventions. Register for the whole course or for specific lessons.
Lesson 2: Control-showing Cue Bids
Lesson 3: Roman Key Card Blackwood
Lesson 4: Splinters
Lesson 5: Jacoby 2NT
Lesson 6: Fourth Suit Forcing
Defensive Signalling Seminar
Saturday, 5th April, 11am - 4.30pm
Teacher: Sean
Member Price: £75 (includes lunch)
Non-Member Price: £90 (includes lunch)
Competitive Bidding Weekend
Saturday/Sunday 1st/2nd February
Teacher: Sean
Member Price: £150
Non-Member Price: £180